
Breathe. Stretch. Unwind.

Incorporating mindfulness and breath work, my approach to yoga is not only rooted in tradition, but also highly adaptable to each person. As a certified instructor, I pride myself in being able to empower all clients to reach a sense of tranquility and accomplishment through movement and self-care. Swipe through each service below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Asana Yoga

Just as every body is different, my approach to instruction allows for self-pacing without labels or levels. I focus on improving posture and developing flexibility to increase circulation and muscle tone.

Your safe zone awaits

No. There is no level of experience or fitness required for my yoga classes and I go through each pose with alternatives as needed for any limitations. Yoga will help you gain a sense of physical confidence and overall well-being.

Strength + Flexibility + Balance

Yoga connects the body to the rhythm of your breath, which helps calm the mind and improve posture. Through this inward focus, both your body and mind are strengthened.

Your Yoga Session

Take the time to reconnect with yourself and discover new strength, balance and coordination.


We'll explain and facilitate a deeper mind and body connection that includes proper breathing techniques.

Warm Up & Integration

We'll awaken, activate and prepare our bodies for the wide range of movements we'll perform.

Postures & Salutations

Modify poses as needed or increase the intensity to ensure you listen to your body.


Assimilate the benefits of the completed class by eliminating tension from your body.