
Navigating Challenges

Day One

It was the first day of my daughter’s junior year of high school and the first day of my 10th year as a credentialed public school teacher when my daughter began to have serious health symptoms. After three months of extensive medical testing, we received a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis (UC), a serious auto-immune disease in which the body attacks the colon. We quickly learned our road ahead would be difficult as we were told there is no cure for ulcerative colitis. Her Gastroenterologist, who is an amazing practitioner, immediately suggested we place her on a probiotic and prebiotic, and to cease dairy consumption.

When your child is diagnosed with a chronic disease you immediately seek solutions: wanting to know how you can make your child better and how you can make the disease go away

From Despair to Hope

I began to spend every moment I could researching this disease online to find a UC specific diet and found multiple websites presenting overwhelmingly conflicting information. One site would suggest diet modifications, the next would completely contradict them and include other suggestions, and yet another would completely refute these and other findings. It was that same day that I realized that I would have to learn everything I possibly could about holistic nutrition. Upon further online research that evening, I found the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and I immediately enrolled. My life, health, and the health of my family would forever be changed.

Taking Action

With this incredible education, I immediately implemented major dietary changes for my family. After the first three months, we experienced incredible results. My husband, my daughter and I each lost 20-25 pounds and my husband reduced his triglycerides by 200 points! Most importantly of all, my daughter’s colon began to heal. Then when my daughter continued to have stress-induced UC flares, and my Mom was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, I truly realized that nutrition was just one significant component of wellness. After my Mom experienced a fall due to her weakened state and began to suffer back pain that medication could not curtail, I began to research complementary pain management and stumbled upon Reiki. I learned that I could train to become a Reiki Practitioner and immediately enrolled.


I began to do Reiki on my Mom and was completely amazed at how beneficial it was. When she had pain, Reiki would take it away. When she stopped sleeping well, Reiki would allow her to sleep soundly. When she lost her appetite, Reiki restored it. I know that Reiki prevented my Mom from experiencing the end of life suffering that she most definitely would have suffered had it not been for its healing benefits. When my daughter experienced a stress-induced UC flare, I performed Reiki on her and her flare halted immediately. When she had another flare months later, Reiki halted it immediately, again! After seeing first-hand the amazing life-transforming changes my family experienced, I felt a calling to help empower others to heal their own bodies through Reiki, nutrition and other valuable life-style changes. It is exciting to be part of these transformative health and wellness journeys and I hope to assist you in fulfilling yours.

Certifications & Credentials

Lupita is a Reiki Level III Master Teacher and Practitioner. She is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Registered Yoga Teacher, and has over 20 years experience as a credentialed teacher. She is also credentialed in adult education and enjoys sharing her wellness journey with her students. Lupita is passionate about teaching others how to heal themselves.

Registered Yoga Teacher
Reiki Master Teacher

Reiki Level I, II, and III certifications

Certified Health Coach